Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The good the bad and the not so ugly

Well week 4 back home and quite a difference. Things have been improving steadily and we are feeling much better. I want to send huge thanks out to all the people who came forward with support and stories of their own. You have all been so very very helpful!!! I can't even begin to explain how helpful. Better than any type of counseling. Sometimes we think we are alone with our thoughts and experiences only to find out we are not. Much of the support and stories came from within the adoption community but some came from outside. I had many funny heart to hearts with birth parents who expressed many of the same feelings. But of course it is the adoption community who gathered around so tightly. I cannot thank you enough. We have met so many wonderful people and we can't wait to get to know everybody even more than we already do and to see our children grow up together!!

So I have some pictures and a little humour to give my loyal and kind blog readers some insight into our day to day:

The good:

Losing my job. Yep I said it. I would not have had the opportunity to spend so much time bonding with Van if I had of still been working!

Van. Obviously.

Van's smile and laugh. Melts my heart, even when it involves something mischievous like chewing on our dog Chibi's gross, dirty tennis ball.

Hanging out with my great hubby Pat everyday and seeing him grow as a dad. Priceless!

Playdates with wonderful people, especially those who don't mind that us showing up every other day (you know who you are).

The bad:

Losing my job. Purely for financial reasons but the good outweighs the bad!

The weather!! The Hanoi weather followed is here. Hot hot weather makes for a sticky, sweaty and cranky baby who won't eat lol.

Poopy diapers! WTF, how can such a small human crap so much. Actually I leave many of them for daddy ;)

The not so ugly:

Van is a very cute kid! I may be biased but there is nothing ugly about this child!

Here are some pics of playdates and hanging out:

Hanging with the twins, well one twin and I think it is Vanh...or is it Max...

Brunch with Cam, Tracey and their daughter Laura and new son Jeremie

At the water park (thanks for the pic Sam!)

Windy on Sparks Street

Hanging with Hudson


  1. So happy that it sounds as though you've turned a corner. Can't wait to meet you next week!

  2. So glad to hear that things are starting to feel better. And so happy that you can see the upside of losing your job... not always an easy thing, especially when you were feeling down to start.
    Looking forward to meeting you and the little guy next week.
