Saturday, July 10, 2010

New referral news

It is such a special time in our community when someone gets a referral. It brings back all those emotions that we had when we first saw our referral pictures. It is a moment of pure elation. You spend hours looking at the pictures and memorize every aspect of your child's face. I've decided in honour of our fellow adoptive friend Francesca's referral of a beautiful baby boy I am going to post a few of the pictures we got of our little man during the long months of waiting. The pictures I was not allowed to post on the blog before and now I can because he's officially our son now (has been for almost 2 months!)!

Our first look at him (3 days old!):

One of the pictures that came with his medical. Happy boy (2 1/2 months old):

A precious picture sent by a Danish family on a homeland visit with their child. Note his wonderful nanny (2 1/2 months old):

Picture of him with a sweater we sent over for him taken by our agency. He is with his wonderful nanny again. Note his hair has obviously been cut (6 months old):

Picture taken by another family who was there adopting their daughter. He is with the little stuffed toy we sent over (6 months):

He's finally our son! The G&R (10 months old):

Home finally (one month) and hanging out at Starbucks (11 1/2 months old):

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Meg, look forward to the day when I too can post all the photos and know that my little boy is home in my arms!!
